Games are a part of life. We played them as kids, and we still do so as adults. If done right, a game can captivate you for hours. For me network games with friends are the best. You get together, prepare some snacks and go at it! These experiences in my life have fueled my own pursuit into game development and the art of entertainment. I hope, one day, I will be part of the team that develops that next AAA game, that will be played for hours by me and my friends.

Passion for games and the fun they bring

Projects in 2016

Super Drunk World

TBA - collaboration with Disney

Side scroller game - Unity3d

ETH & Disney Research Zürich collaboration

Creating a game based on the graphics and animation of Alex Martin. This idea was conceptualized 2 years ago. I am now taking a look over the work and bringing the characters to life! Demo coming summer 2016.

Development is being done using Unity3d. Details to come later after launch of the software.

Link to Alex's Video

Past Projects

Space Invaders - Remake


Classic game - Microsoft VS, XNA 4.0, C#

Augmented Reality plugin - C++

This game was built as a semester project during my Masters. The goal was to rebuild the game creating everything! This meant designing the collision detection, sprite sequences, music manager, level generator, and all other aspects from scratch. Lot of work, but a lot of fun.

Link to video demo

This project focuses on rotating your face through skype to give a more personal feel when you talk to friends online. While on the team I helped improve tracking and develop the initial user interface. I also created the first commercial.

Link to website

Link to commercial

Capturing the world one picture at a time

Capturing things around me has become a strong passion. I like to look for just the right angle to create an interesting perspective. My camera is a great tool and I hope to continually improve my mastery of light.

Practice Practice Practice!

Started playing the saxophone in the 4th grade and have kept one by my side ever since. Through music you can express emotions that are sometimes impossible through language. Also it's just a great way to decompress after a long day in front of the computer. I love to listen, play and collaborate! Sharing the music is what it's all about.

A little more about me..

I love to travel, meet new people and see what other people are up to around the world. I grew up playing football (soccer) and street hockey, but I'm up for the challenge of any other team sport. Other side interests include building things out of wood, talking about life, or jumping in the lake and relaxing on a hot afternoon.

©Vaclav Hnizda 2016 - designed in ADOBE MUSE CC